Lab Code of Conduct

  • Our Code
    In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming laboratory, we as scientists pledge to make participation in our projects, and our community a harassment-free experience. This promise is made regardless of age, ability, any and all physical or mental disability, experience, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual identity and orientation, nationality, personal appearance, race, or religion. We wish to explicitly welcome persons whose voices have historically been excluded in geosciences. Queens College Notice of Non-Discrimination
  • Land Use
    We acknowledge that our academic and scientific work is conducted on the traditional land of the Matinecock and Munsee Lenape peoples of Long Island.
  • Our Standards
    Safety of students and laboratory equipment is most important:
  • All tools and equipment must be used in accordance to its intended use and in compliance with any applicable best practice to ensure safety.
  • We should all model our behavior to contribute to creating a positive and working environment. Show empathy towards Neanderthal Lab members while respecting the personal, professional space, and time of your colleagues. As a laboratory group we should be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences. With anyone we should use welcoming and inclusive language; encourage personal responsibility, civility, and self-reflection among all lab members. Comments on physical appearance (clothing, hair) are not acceptable and subject to disciplinary action.
  • In accordance with Queens College Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Behavior that will not be tolerated includes: the use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention; public, private, or electronic harassment; airing private personal information without explicit permission; possessing, using, distributing, manufacturing, purchasing, dispensing or selling illegal substances. Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting. Please refer to the student bylaws for more detailed information.
  • These standards also apply to the use of Neanderthal Lab equipment;
  • Use computers in the laboratory responsibly and professionally. The computers and printers are for everyone to use; do not take possession of them.
  • While using laboratory equipment do not duplicate or use copyrighted materials without appropriate permission; never fabricate data, citations, or experimental results. Even the appearance of dishonesty may undermine confidence in your work and the Neanderthal Lab research. Please read the CUNY policy on Academic Integrity.
  • Use Neanderthal Lab data, property and funds only for their authorized, and intended purposes. It is also imperative to make every effort to prevent the misuse of these assets by any other person.
  • Improper use includes selling, loaning or giving away Neanderthal Lab or CUNY property, unauthorized removal of Neanderthal Lab or CUNY owned or borrowed property from the laboratory and modifying, destroying or disclosing Neanderthal Lab data.
  • Our Responsibilities
    Compliance with and effective enforcement of the Code of Conduct is an expectation of all Neanderthal Lab members. Neanderthal Lab administrators are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
  • Scope
    This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the Neanderthal Lab. Representing Neanderthal Lab projects and organization include using official project products for presentations, posting to an official Neanderthal Lab repository on GitHub, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project manager.
  • Enforcement
    We expect that each of us be willing to advocate for any person that they observe being mistreated. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior are all of our responsibility and may be reported by contacting the lab administrator: And/ or
    CUNY Queens College Title IX office at:
    Phone/Voice Mail: 718-997-5888
    Title IX Complaints Email Address:
  • Please contact Public Safety for concerns that need an immediate response:718-997-5912
  • Accident Reporting
    In the event of any accident please contact:
  • Attribution
    This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at
  • Six House Rules of the Lab
  • Keep the floor of the laboratory clear. Put up and out of the way bags, coats, and loose objects. Be considerate of your lab mates and help prevent accidents by keeping the laboratory neat and tidy.
  • Guests are not allowed in the lab room, unless with consent from Dax Soule and supervision by a key holding Neanderthal Lab participant.
  • Lab equipment and supplies shall not be used for non-Neanderthal Lab related activities, use of equipment and supplies for non-lab work requires consent from Dax Soule.
  • The door to the lab is to be closed and locked when no one is inside.
  • Bring your lab key with you when you walk out of the laboratory-- it is easier for everyone when you do.
  • Always ask first. Do not turn any computer off, or unplug anything without asking first.
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